Te arotake ā-rōpuu/Internal Evaluation
Rationale: Centre Quality improvement Plan improves the quality of the centre through reflection, analysis of data and planned action.
Purpose: To ensure practices are constantly and consistently under review to enhance quality outcomes for all children and their families/whānau.
Collectively kids is committed to continuous quality improvement. We acknowledge there are always areas of our service that we proudly claim exceed expectations and other areas we acknowledge we want to work on to improve. This is a continuous process and one that involves all staff, parents, suppliers and key stakeholders. Our quality improvement activities help us to provide the best possible learning and development experience for our enrolled children, support staff, comply with government requirements, meet parent expectations of our service and achieve our strategic goals
Kaiako will undertake strategic, regular (planned) and emergent (spontaneous) evaluations throughout the year as we continually seek to improve our practice in relation to teaching and learning, curriculum, leadership and governance, and management to ensure positive outcomes for tamariki.
Centre internal evaluation and annual planning is consistently in line with the centre philosophy and key documents focused on environmental education/climate change action, Te Tiriti based practice and social justice.
A three-year evaluation plan will be developed, with strong links to the Centre Strategic Plan and other key operational systems, e.g., the annual plan, staff appraisal, professional development, teacher registration, and budget. This will enable the centre to determine possible regular evaluation priorities.
Evaluations can be triggered by any number of factors i.e., health/safety issues, regulatory requirements, concerns raised by whānau, staff or children, or an appreciation of what we do well motivated by a desire to make it great.
Internal Evaluation will be a regular agenda item for staff and management meetings to ensure a culture of review drives ongoing improvement.
Families will be informed and invited to share their perspectives and ideas for Internal Evaluations that are relevant to them. We will also aim to include children’s perspectives.
All evaluations will be guided by the resources: Effective Internal Evaluation for Improvement (2016); and ‘Ngā Arohaehae Whai Hua: Self-review Guidelines for Early Childhood Education (2006)’, and National education and Learning priorities (NELP), evaluation will be undertaken in the three key areas of practice which contribute to the functionality and quality of outcomes for children:
Learning and Teaching Practice (Pou Matauranga, Tikanga Whakaako)
Collaborative Practice (Pou Ārahi)
Governance and Management (Pou Whakahaere)
Strategic Evaluation
This could include:
Quality Practice Template – (linked to Our Code Our Standards, Educanz)
An evaluation of the Philosophy of the centre
He Pou Tātaki strategic evaluation to identify regular evaluation priorities
Centre Strategic Plan monitoring and evaluation of goal achievement (this could be monthly through Management reporting, six monthly, or annually)
Kāhui Ako achievement challenges
Recommendations from ERO
Regular (Planned) Evaluations
A three-year review schedule of regular evaluations will be maintained by Management in consultation with staff.
Regular evaluations will follow a five-step action research cycle of:
Collaborative Sense Making
Prioritising to Take Action
Monitoring and Evaluating Impact
At the conclusion of this cycle, documentation in relation to the process undertaken, outcomes, and changes that were made or not made to policies, procedures and practices including rationale and impact of any changes on the tamariki and how we have regard for NELP in our practice will be recorded in the internal evaluation folder.
Emergent (Spontaneous) Evaluations
Emergent (Spontaneous) evaluations may be instigated by any staff member and will be recorded on the appropriate template. While they can be instigated by one staff member, they will be reviewed collaboratively to ensure outcomes effect organisational change. Emergent evaluations may also contribute to appraisal and teacher registration processes.
A date to revisit emergent evaluations and document impact on children’s learning will be planned for at the conclusion of the process.
Other systems which contribute to self-improvement / evaluation include:
Budget preparation and analysis.
Staff appraisals – review of job descriptions.
Health and safety checks.
OSH checks.
Analysis of accident and illness records.
Curriculum/resource review
Licensing Criteria GMA 4 and 6.