Fees apply from 22 July 2024
Please note that this policy will be reviewed annually in the first week of July or more
frequently if there are changes to funding or increases to operational costs.
FEES (including GST)
Please note that fees are payable 52 weeks of the year
Under two
Monday to Friday (six hours or more per day) $385 per week
4 days care (six hours or more per day) $320 per 4 days
2 – 3 days care (six hours or more per day) $94 per day
Two year olds
Monday to Friday (six hours or more per day) $360 per week
4 days care (six hours or more per day) $295 per 4 days
2 – 3 days care (six hours or more per day) $90 per day
Fees for three to five year old children eligible for 20 hours ECE
To be eligible for these rates all required documentation must be completed by parents and processed by the centre before the 20 hours ECE takes effect. If forms are not completed fees will be charged at the over 2 rate.
Monday to Friday (six hours or more per day) $220 per week
4 days care (six hours or more per day) $175 per 4 days
2 – 3 days care (more than 6 hours per day) $47 per day
Children must be enrolled for at least two days (6 hours or more a day) a week.
Children must attend the centre for at least 6 hours on enrolled days for most of the year to ensure that government funding levels are maintained as funding is the main source of income for the centre.
Please note that we charge full fees for public holidays and that fee payments for the year are spread over 52 weeks.
This means that fees payable do not change for weeks with a statutory holiday or when the centre is closed at the end of the year.
Collectively Kids is closed over the Christmas and New Year period for a maximum of 4 working days. The last day of attendance is on the 23rd of December or the last working day before the 23rd and the centre opens again on the first working day after New Year.
There is a 10% discount for the oldest sibling if two or more children from one family are enrolled at the centre at one time. The 10% discount does not apply for casual attendance of siblings (e.g. during holidays).
We require a bond payment of 2 weeks fees in advance. Once this payment has been received by the centre, enrolment is confirmed.
Please note that this payment is only refundable if the centre is unable to provide a space as agreed. It will cover the last two weeks of attendance at the centre.
Weekly payments should be made by automatic, bill or direct credit payment on the Monday of the first week of attendance. Please discuss with us if you wish to make any other arrangements.
We rely on the prompt payment of your fees to ensure the smooth operation of the centre.
You must inform us if there are any changes in circumstances that may affect payment of fees, including experiencing financial difficulties. We are happy to discuss alternative arrangements. However, if fees are outstanding for two or more weeks after the agreed payment date, enrolment will be terminated unless a written agreement of repayment options has been signed by you and by the centre. Failure to adhere to the agreed repayment schedule means that enrolment will cease and cost of recovery by a debt collection company will be added to fees owing.
Two weeks’ notice (in writing) is required when a child leaves the centre.
Standard fees will be charged for absences.
We would appreciate it if parents could contact us if their child will be absent.
If a child is absent for one week without notification and the centre has attempted to
contact caregivers without success the space will be given to the next person on the
The centre does not offer “make-up” days in the case of absences. We are also unable
to swap days, but may be able to offer you an extra day if a space is available.
Fees will be charged for extra days.
Hours of operation for Collectively Kids are 7.30 am to 5.30pm.
We expect all children and their caregiver to have left the centre premises by 5.30 and we strongly recommend that you arrive at least 5 minutes before this time to avoid distress to your child and to avoid the possibility of incurring a late penalty.
If a child leaves the centre after 5.30 (according to the centre clock) the following penalty automatically applies – the parent/caregiver will be charged $23 for each fifteen minutes (or part thereof) after 5.30. Charges for late pick-up will be added to fees.
Please make sure you have someone you can call on in an emergency and don’t forget to ring us!
The terms of this policy (including the requirement for 2 weeks’ notice) apply throughout the complaints process unless the child has been formally withdrawn from the centre. Standard fees will be charged unless a complaint has been upheld by the Ministry of Education. If this occurs the issue of outstanding fees/charges will be negotiated by the centre and/or its representatives and the family involved.