Our Philosophy
Our programme and philosophy are compatible with the Early Childhood Criteria, ECE regulations and reflect the principles, strands and goals of Te Whāriki, Early Childhood Curriculum.
Guiding principles at Collectively Kids
Tamariki have the right to:
a peaceful, safe, secure, healthy, socially just, environmentally sustainable present and future
respect, unconditional love/aroha and an early childhood education which recognises them as active citizens and as active participants with rights and responsibilities
understand their own heritage and culture within the bicultural heritage of Aotearoa/Nu Tireni/New Zealand.
Tamariki and their whānau have the right to:
full participation and achievement irrespective of ethnicity, gender, ability or background
express who they are and be affirmed as an individual and as part of a community free from discrimination,
assumptions or stereotypes.
a gender inclusive environment
Ako/Learning and curriculum
We believe that:
Learning occurs in the context of meaningful interactions amongst people and between people and the environment. Tamariki have opportunities to extend themselves in all areas during small group, whole group and independent experiences. Learning processes as well as outcomes are valued.
Learning is maximised when:
it takes place within a healthy, safe, stimulating, nurturing, flexible and dynamic environment
includes and reflects the diversity and contribution of the entire centre community
good communication and problem-solving skills are valued and the importance of consistency is recognised
the physical and social environment builds tamariki and their resilience and enables adults and tamariki to take emotional, physical, spiritual and intellectual risks
Early childhood education should be exciting, interesting, fun and challenging, developing tamariki and their individuality, independence and sense of responsibility for themselves, the environment and the community:
tamariki are encouraged to develop knowledge, skills and respect for our resources, nature and living things
tuakana/teina relationships are supported - tamariki have the opportunity to work alongside and, where appropriate, care for others
social justice is expressed by supporting people who need our help within and beyond our community as well as advocating for social justice nationally and internationally
We aim to:
Work together as a community of learners where tamariki, whānau and kaiako collaborate in, document and extend the learning that goes on at the centre and beyond.
Provide a holistic programme where the rights, interests, strengths, needs and aspirations of tamariki and their whānau are acknowledged and included and where a sense of wellbeing is fostered.
Provide tamariki with a curriculum that will enable them to make the most of diverse challenges in the present and the future. This includes supporting and assisting tamariki and their whānau during times of transition and whānau change.
Kaiako at Collectively Kids work as a team of professionals committed to:
Open and honest communication within the teaching team, with whānau and tamariki which allows for successes to be celebrated and challenges to be addressed honestly and positively.
Extending our understanding and practice of te Tiriti based education.
Professional development and sharing skills and knowledge to ensure that the entire teaching team is well informed about a wide range of issues relating to early childhood education, including areas that may not traditionally be seen as relating to ECE but that nonetheless have an impact on learning and development for tamariki at Collectively Kids and beyond.
Maintaining and enhancing the quality of the centre through ongoing critical reflection and evaluation
Enhancing the reputation of early childhood within the community.
Acting as genuine advocates for tamariki and their whānau during a time of environmental challenges and social inequity.