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Shared Care



Diversity in whānau/family situations is recognised, talked about and supported within the centre. The entire family is invited to take part in centre life (when appropriate) so that their child’s well-being, learning and development can be supported through cooperation and consultation between all settings. However our ability to achieve this depends on the accuracy of information provided by the enrolling parent and on the interest of the other parent to involve her or himself in the child’s life at the centre.

In situations where care of children is shared it is essential that the names and addresses of all parents/caregivers, as well as custody and access arrangements, are recorded accurately on the enrolment form and parent questionnaires.

This information is collected for health and safety reasons as well as giving teachers a better understanding of the child's life outside the centre. It also enables us to pass on documentation and newsletters to all caregivers.

Changes in circumstances are likely to impact on children and it is important that teachers have access to this information to support children and families to the best of their ability. Parents are asked to keep staff up to date on any changes in circumstances, addresses etc.

Changes will be noted on the child's enrolment form.

Centre staff need to sight and record documentation if there are access restrictions relating to either parent.

Staff will use the Ministry of Education Circular 1997/98 as a guideline, and will follow action sheets one, two and three if necessary.


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