Administration of Medicine at Collectively Kids
Management and teachers at Collectively Kids will ensure that standards required for the administration of medicines (as outlined in Licensing Criteria for Early Childhood Centre 2008) at the centre, will be met.
Please note that we require a note from your doctor (when antibiotics/medicines are prescribed or when children have a rash) that the child is well enough to attend an early childhood centre and that the illness is not infectious.
a) Written authority to administer medication will be obtained from parents or guardians prior to the administration of any medication (including treatment that has been requested by families but prescribed by a doctor such as vitamin supplements, Vicks, cough syrup).
Parents/guardians (or person given authority by parents/guardians on this form) are required to fill in the medicine record and sign the entry before medicine can be administered. This states clearly the name of the medication, the dosage and time. Teachers will sign the page in the medicine and incident folder once medication has been administered.
In instances when parents/guardians have forgotten to fill in the medicine record they must give telephone consent (outlining all the required information). Teachers will record details in the medicine record and administer medication. Parents/guardians are required to sign the medicine record as soon as possible.
Parents/Guardians may give written authority for the administration of arnica cream, calamine lotion, Weleda teething powder, cornflour (to dry skin or remove sand when changing nappies) and Ecostore nappy rash cream on enrolment. Details of administration of these medicines (excluding cornflour, nappy rash cream or teething powder) will be recorded by teachers and parents/guardians are required to sign records.
If children have a pre-diagnosed condition that requires ongoing treatment (such as asthma, epilepsy, allergic reaction, diabetes, eczema etc) parents/guardians are asked to provide written authority on enrolment (or whenever there is a change) as part of an individual health plan for the administration of the required medication. These medicines will be provided by parents/guardians for the use of that child only, clearly labelled with the child’s name and stored safely at the centre. Records will be kept of expiry dates (on the office noticeboard) of medication for individual children.
Parents/guardians are asked to provide the centre with a statement indicating that it is acceptable for designated teachers at the centre (non-medical staff) to have responsibility for administering medication to their child.
b) Provide appropriate information and training to staff members who elect to administer medication to children.
Teachers have access to clear information regarding the administration of medicines for individual children in the medicine record. All teachers are aware of the location and use of accurate measuring utensils.
Where the administration of medicines requires specialised training (eg. use of epipen) advice and training is sought. Such medication will only be administered by teachers who have taken part in special training.
Records of any training undertaken by teachers are kept.
c) Take all reasonable care with security where medications and drugs are held or administered in early education services.
All medications are kept in the kitchen area and under two kitchen cupboard which are not accessible to children unless supervised. Arnica is available in the bathroom, shed and indoor area (out of reach of children).
The following educators at Collectively Kids are responsible for the administration of medicines and agree to abide by this policy: Zane McCarthy
Julia Smith
Kate Harris
Lisa Quinlan
Marina Bachmann
Weiqi (Vicky) Wang
Veronique McIntosh