Ngā māuiui me ngā whara e pā ana ki ngā kaimahi/Staff Illness and Injury Management
Staff Injury / Accident Procedures
Administer first aid immediately.
Record details of the accident in the Staff Accident Register. (See Forms).
Investigate the cause of the accident to ensure prevention of reoccurrence.
If the accident happens while children are present, another staff member will distract children.
If deemed necessary, call an ambulance. Management will contact the staff member's emergency contact person.
Offer support and ensure the staff member is able to get home safely.
Complete relevant Health and Safety documentation and relevant ACC paperwork.
All staff are responsible for ensuring any indoor /outdoor hazards are minimised, damaged equipment removed, and potential danger spots, e.g. spills, dealt with promptly.
A maintenance book will be available in the office for the recording of identified areas for repair. The Health and Safety Officer is responsible for ensuring these repairs are attended to promptly or isolated.
Environment Safety Checks will be completed by the staff setting up the environment for children each day. Checks will be recorded on the Daily Hazard Checks (see Forms).
Accidents involving visitors to the Centre will be responded to using the above procedure.
Notifiable Events
The Health and Safety Officer will ensure the Governance Group/ECE Centre (PCBU) is informed of any notifiable events, injuries or illnesses in the Centre.
The Health and Safety Officer will ensure Worksafe New Zealand is informed of any notifiable events in the Centre.
All notifiable incidents and/or events will be investigated by the Governance Group/ECE Centre.
In the event of a notifiable incident follow these steps:
Notifiable Event / Incident Documented
Governance Group/ECE Centre informed (Health and Safety Officer)
Worksafe NZ Notified (Health and Safety Officer)
Investigation (BOT/Centre)
Notification forms can be accessed on the link below
Templates of forms to support the implementation of Health and Safety procedures can be accessed on the link below
Return to Work Plan
Staff will be supported to return to work after an injury or illness with a return to work plan. The plan will be developed in consultation with the Governance Group/ECE Centre, the ill or injured worker, the Health and Safety Representative and other relevant parties such as the union representative, the treatment provider, ACC, and the medical insurer.
The plan will include clear objectives, a list of actions to be taken to enable return to work, and the person responsible for each action. It may include:
suitable duties being offered including modified or alternative duties
hours of work and work breaks (frequency and duration)
support, aids or modifications to the workplace
special needs or conditions and what will be done to help (e.g. assistance with transport)
time frames
monitoring and reviewing progress so that problems can be identified and managed early