Te whakahaere whakapā/Provision of Information for Whānau Policy
To ensure that the Centre effectively communicates and consults with whānau acknowledging and respecting their values, needs and aspirations.
To ensure whānau are encouraged to participate in decision making regarding their tamariki.
An Enrolment Pack will be provided for each tamariki before they begin attending the Centre. This will include information outlining key Centre procedures and practices.
The Information will outline how whānau can be involved in the Centre.
The Centre Fees schedule will be displayed on a noticeboard by the bags.
Details of the amount of funding the Centre receives from the Ministry of Education and how this is spent will be displayed on the noticeboard by the bags and attached to a weekly update when the annual accounts are audited.
Regular weekly updates will keep whānau informed of the Centre programme.
Each tamariki will be provided with a Portfolio that documents the of the progress in learning of tamariki at the Centre. These books will be stored in the area the tamariki attends. Whānau will be informed of the location of books by tamariki during induction. Whānau can also access and contribute to this information on Storypark online portfolios.
All Centre policies will be reviewed on a three year cycle. When a policy is due for review it will be provided to all staff for comment. A copy will be emailed (from May 2019) to whānau to view and comment on. Key policies and documents will be discussed at hui twice a year.
Individual records of tamariki will be deemed to belong to the whānau and will be available to them at all times.
Kaiako will be available to informally meet whānau rents on a daily basis to exchange information.
Kaiako will be available at mutually suitable times to formally discuss with whānau the ongoing learning and development of their tamariki.
At enrolment, whānau will be invited to become involved with the Centre, in recognition of the key role of forming strong partnerships with whānau including:
Contributing to policy and philosophy review.
Contributing to the Internal Evaluation process – especially topics of high relevance to whānau (e.g. assessment procedures, routines, communication etc).
Consultation on aspects of the service which concern their tamariki, e.g. opening hours, fees charged, etc
Consultation for policy review will include:
Providing a copy of the existing policy.
Making suggestions for change.
Consulting whānau for feedback and further suggestions.
Including suggested changes for final Policy ratification.
Licensing Criteria GMA 1