Ngā kōamuamu/Complaints
At Collectively Kids staff and management are committed to open communication with parents/whānau and any concern or complaint is taken seriously and acted on. This is not always a simple matter for the centre as we need to ensure that regulatory obligations to all children and families are met and that our philosophy statement is not compromised.
This policy aims to clearly state processes followed by the centre when concerns and/or complaints are raised by families.
We actively encourage parents to voice concerns they may have about any aspect of the centre. These are most easily resolved if parents inform the centre of such issues as soon as they arise by:
Talking with a staff member or management
Phoning (try again if we do not answer the first time
We will ensure that all teachers (depending on the nature of the complaint) and management are aware of the issues raised and feedback will be given to parents as soon as possible.
A complaint may be an ongoing concern that has not been resolved or an issue which implies that the centre is not meeting its licensing/regulatory obligations. Families have the right to address complaints with the Ministry of Education at any time.
Any complaint made to the centre should be clearly outlined in writing and addressed to management. If a complaint is received by phone or in conversation, the staff member involved will keep a record of the issues raised and will inform management. Management will decide on the appropriate course of action.
This will generally involve:
Ensuring that the individual/family concerned receives a copy of the current complaints policy
Keeping records of all conversations, correspondence
A documented discussion with all staff members concerned
A meeting with the person/people who made the complaint
An external mediator or facilitator may be invited to the meeting. All parties have the right to have support people of their choice present. Staff are covered by the Early Childhood Collective Agreement (NZEI) and are entitled to seek the advice and support of their union at any time.
The meeting will focus on:
Clarification of the complaint
Actions/solutions that families would find acceptable
An outline by management of the way in which the complaint relates to the centre’s regulatory obligations and philosophy Discussion of actions that the centre is able to take to resolve the complaint within this framework
Writing an action plan with a clear time frame
If the issue has not been resolved within the agreed timeframe or both parties have been unable to agree on acceptable strategies the following courses of action may be taken:
Families may withdraw their child from the centre
Families may lay a complaint regarding non-compliance with regulations or criteria with the Ministry of Education
The centre may seek advice and support from an external agency
The terms of the fees policy apply at all times during the complaints process unless enrolment has been terminated. Standard fees, including two weeks notice, will be charged unless the complaint has been upheld by the Ministry of Education. If this occurs the issue of outstanding fees will be negotiated by the centre or its representatives and the family involved.
Phone numbers and email addresses
Your local Ministry of Education office
Email enquiries.auckland@education.govt.nz
12-18 Normanby Road, Mt Eden, Auckland
Private Bag 92644, Symonds Street, Auckland 1150
DX Number: CX10104
Phone 09 632 9400 Fax 09 632 9401
Auckland office
Special education staff in your local Ministry of Education office
ECE free phone: 0800 323 323
ECE email: ece.info@education.govt.nz
Special Education free phone: 0800 622 222
Special Education email: special.education@education.govt.nz
Youthlaw free phone: 0800 884 529