Te Marautanga/Curriculum
All tamariki will be given the opportunity to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes to enable them to grow up as competent and confident learners and communicators. At Collectively Kids this happens within a focus on environmental education which includes a commitment to te Tiriti o Waitangi based practice and social justice.
To ensure formal and informal opportunities are provided by kaiako to notice, recognise and respond to individuals and groups of tamariki, and for whānau and tamariki to have authentic and meaningful opportunities to contribute to this process.
Kaiako will actively use the Principles, Goals, and Strands of Te Whāriki (the Early Childhood Curriculum) to guide their teaching and planning practices.
Relationships are key to providing a responsive learning environment for tamariki. Interactions between kaiako and tamariki will be encouraging, warm and respectful.
On enrolment, all whānau will be encouraged to be partners in their tamariki’s learning as a way of building a relationship between the home and the Centre.
Preferences of tamariki will be valued, and the programme is structured to give opportunities for free choice of experiences and who they will play/work with.
Kaiako will use language that supports and extends the learning of tamariki.
Kaiako will be engaged alongside tamariki, listening and using open questions to encourage complex learning.
Kaiako will be available to guide and support tamariki, through being engaged alongside them, being in close physical proximity, and providing verbal encouragement when appropriate.
The routines are developed so that tamariki can play together for sustained periods in groups of their own choosing.
Kaiako will focus on settling tamariki into the programme using a settling into Collectively Kids individual plan which will be shared with whānau.
Kaiako will encourage whānau and tamariki to contribute to assessment data and will use this in planning and documenting ongoing learning for tamariki.
Documentation will take a variety of forms including portfolios, wall displays, artwork, photos, etc.
Documentation systems will ensure that all tamariki have an individual plan that is implemented and regularly revisited.
Regular informal communication with whānau about the learning and development of tamariki will ensure that their aspirations for their tamariki are taken into account in all aspects of curriculum planning.
Planning meetings provide opportunities for kaiako to engage in collegial dialogue in relation to what they are noticing about individual learning of tamariki. Also discussed will be possible lines of direction for the environment and specific teaching strategies to add value to tamariki‘s learning. Meetings also provide opportunities to evaluate planning and teaching and identify learning outcomes for tamariki.
Clear documentation will ensure that links are visible between assessment, planning, and evaluation.
Portfolios are stored in the Centre for easy access, with whānau approval. Tamariki are able to access these.
Regular opportunities for both formal and informal communication with whānau will ensure that they are actively involved in decision-making concerning the learning of their tamariki.
All practices related to assessment, planning and evaluation are conducted confidentially and ethically.
On-going professional learning and development will ensure kaiako have an understanding of relevant theories and practice in early childhood education and that they apply these in practice.
The environment will be set up by kaiako at the beginning of each day, based on their knowledge of the learning interests of the tamariki attending and to ensure opportunities are provided for tamariki to access further resources to meet their learning preferences.
Kaiako will respond to the tamariki learning interests by accessing resources and further information to extend their understanding of their interest.
As language is a key to the learning of tamariki, kaiako will support language development through positive interactions with tamariki. The Centre programme will emphasise the importance of kaiako working alongside tamariki interacting with them to enhance and extend their learning through language.
A print rich environment will be provided to introduce tamariki to written words and printed language.
A wide range of resources will be provided to challenge and extend the thinking of tamariki. Resources will include activities for individuals and those that require collaboration and co-operation with others to complete. Group activities will support the language development of tamariki as they negotiate and strategise with others to achieve goals.
The environment will enable a free flow between indoor and outdoor learning experiences.
The outdoor environment will provide resources that are flexible and able to be manipulated by tamariki to be more or less challenging for them.
The teaching and learning programme will value and respect the culture and background of the tamariki attending. When the culture of tamariki is valued, their sense of well-being and belonging is enhanced.
Whānau will be encouraged to share their culture so that tamariki and whānau gain a positive awareness of their own and other cultures.
Where possible and if required, translations of key documents in the first language of the whānau will be provided.
Licensing Criteria C1-4, C6-12.