Ngā mātāpono matatapu/Privacy
Rationale: The storage and management of all documents that include personal information about any person associated with the Centre will remain confidential.
Purpose: To ensure the Centre meets the requirements of the Privacy Act 1993 and its Amendments.
The Centre Manager/Owner will be the Privacy Officer for the Centre.
The role of the Privacy Officer is to:
Encourage compliance by the Centre with the information privacy principles.
Deal with requests made to the Centre under the Privacy Act.
Work with the Commissioner in relation to investigations conducted under the Act.
Ensure compliance by the agency with the Privacy Act.
Ensure all staff have received training on the management of information.
Manage complaints and monitor any privacy issues.
Collection of Information
The Centre will only collect personal information that is required to meet statutory requirements, for administrative purposes, or is needed to support the health and safety needs of individuals.
Wherever possible the information shall be obtained directly from the person concerned, or from someone who is authorised to provide the information.
The Enrolment Form will include a statement that informs whānau of why the information is being collected, who will have access to it, and the purpose for which it will be used.
Security of Information
All personal information will be stored in a locked cabinet.
Information will be stored for at least 7 years after the last contact. After that time it will be destroyed in a secure manner by secure document destruction.
Any computer with access to APT will have password access only.
If kaiako support staff using their student management system have to leave their computer for any period of time (especially where members of the public are situated) then the staff member will log out of the programme.
Only kaiako or administration staff can access the APT or child enrolment forms.
Disclosure of Information
No information will be shared with other agencies without the written consent of parents/guardians. Should the request be to support the safety of the child, i.e. from Ministry for Vulnerable Children or the Police, then information will be shared.
If the whānau or guardians of tamariki do not live together, copies of the personal information of tamariki will be available to both whānau/guardians. Whānau can access Storypark documentation.
Whānau/ guardians and Centre staff will have the right to view and make changes to any information that is held about them or their tamariki.
Any personal information of staff will be stored in a locked cabinet accessible by only the Centre Manager/Supervisor or relevant Administrator.