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Breastfeeding, Bottles and Food for Infants and Toddlers



It is important that parents fill in initial and daily information regarding bottles and other routines. The daily form is by the roll where you sign in. Please ask a teacher if you can’t find it.

If your child is breastfed:

  • You are welcome to feed your child at the centre at any time

  • Seating is available in the office, in the under and over two areas (feel free to use whichever area you find most comfortable)

  • If you are not planning to come in please send bottles or containers filled with correct amount of breast milk (1 for each feed) and label all parts of these clearly with your child’s name or leave a weekly store of milk in our freezer (containers must be labelled and dated)

  • If you are coming in to breastfeed or bringing in a daily supply please send some extra breast milk as well so we can keep that in the freezer  for emergencies (e.g. if your child has a spill or needs an extra feed)

If your child has bottles/formula:

  • Send bottles and a container of formula with use-by date, instructions and labelled with child’s name

  • All parts of bottles need to be clearly labelled with child’s name

  • Home routines will be followed when possible and children will be given bottles according to the most recent parent instructions (recorded on the daily form)

Teachers wash and dry hands carefully before handling bottles
Formula is mixed with water if required (boiled water for children under six months)
Bottles are heated in the bottle warmer or in the microwave

Temperature is tested by shaking a few drops on the wrist

Formula will be consumed or stored in the refrigerator within 1 hour and will be discarded if it has been at room temperature for over an hour

If the child does not drink al the formula the unused portion will be discarded

Breastmilk should be thawed overnight or in warm water (maximum of 37C)

Bottle or bag should be gently swirled to mix fat that has separated

Thawed breastmilk can be kept for a max time of 10 hours in the fridge. Do not store in the door but on rear of a shelf!

Care will be taken to gently warm to a maximum of 37C (breast milk will be warmed in the warmer only)


Children under one will be held in a position where the head is raised when drinking bottles

Teachers record the amount of milk drunk on daily forms

Food safety

  • Temperature of refrigerator is checked daily

  • Frozen food and milk is kept in the freezer in the main kitchen

  • Formula and breast milk will be discarded 30 minutes after heating

  • Teachers and children will wash and dry hands carefully before eating or handling food or bottles


  • Parent instructions and food guidelines will be followed when infants are introduced to solid

  • All children will sit (on lap, clip on seat, chair or mat) to eat and drink

  • At least one teacher will supervise children as they eat

  • Parents supply lunch – please look at the enclosed healthy food guidelines and provide variety

  • Healthy, nutritious and age appropriate food is provided at snack times

  • Self-help skills are encouraged

  • Older children may join children in the under-two area and children under two may join older children for food times when appropriate

  • Occasionally there are parties at the centre and infants and toddlers will be invited to take part in these. Parents are asked for their requirements regarding party food and appropriate food will be supplied for toddlers and infants.

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