Rationale: Each child is unique and comes with their own sleeping routine.
Purpose: To ensure teachers follow individual children’s rhythms and sleeping routines in a relaxed and familiar environment
Adequate space will be provided between children’s beds to ensure safety and hygiene.
All children will be provided with their own individual sleeping space and bed linen. Some families provide this from home.
Sleep spaces will be positive and peaceful to ensure undisturbed rest. Teachers will be relaxed and unhurried in preparing children for sleep, and flexible to children’s individual routines.
All children will be encouraged to sleep or rest when they need to. However, formal sleep and rest times will be provided.
Staff/child ratio will be maintained while children are sleeping.
Parents will be encouraged to bring any special toys children may help them settle into sleep.
For cultural reasons, children will be encouraged not to stand on pillows and are positioned head: head rather than head: feet if possible.
Procedure for Monitoring Sleeping Children
A teacher will be rostered on Sleep Room Duty each day
The teacher on Sleep Room Duty will ensure children are checked for warmth, breathing, and general well-being every five to ten minutes.
The teacher on Sleep Room Duty will complete the Sleep Room Supervision Record Form.
The Teacher rostered on Sleep Room Duty will record the times each child went to sleep and woke on the Sleep Times Chart.
At no time will children have access to food or liquids while in bed in accordance with the Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008.
Procedure for Laundering
Sleep Room Linen is stored in the bags named for individual children and
All sheets and wraps are laundered every 2 weeks for over 2 children attending 3-5 days, weekly for children under 2. Bedding for children over 2 attending for 2 days will be washed once a month.
Cot under blankets will be washed weekly, or if soiled.
Stretcher beds are wiped when they are used for another child.
Licensing Criteria HS 9.
Date for Review June 2021